Book Donations

Please limit 1 – 2 small bags/boxes
All items must be in good to excellent condition

We accept:
Hardcover and paperback books for children, teens and adults
Contemporary and classic fiction
Popular nonfiction such as cookbooks, biographies, history
DVD movies
Audio books on CD
Music CDs

We cannot accept:
Books in poor condition (stained, yellowed, moldy, torn, written in/highlighted)
Encyclopedias or textbooks
Reference books
Medical, health and travel books older than five years
High school, college prep books older than five years
Reader’s Digest condensed books
Books discarded by other libraries
Children’s activity/coloring books
Audio cassettes or VHS tapes
CDs or DVDs without original cases
Homemade content

Donations must be delivered to the Library when we are open and may not be left outside the door or placed in the book drop.
Please note, the Library reserves the right to decline donations.