Library Policies

Bylaws of the Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library
Reaffirmed February 11, 2025

Article I – Annual Library District Vote and Trustee Election

Section 1. The annual election of Trustees and presentation of budget resolutions, and any other proposals authorized by law, shall be held each year at the Annual Library District Vote and Trustee Election on a date between April 1st and July 1st, which date is selected by the Board of Trustees of the Library.

Section 2. Notice. Notice of the Annual Library District Vote and Trustee Election and notice of the availability of a copy of the detailed written statement of the monies required for the ensuing Library fiscal year shall be published four (4) times within the seven (7) weeks next preceding the Annual Library District Vote and Trustee Election. The first publication of said notice shall be at least forty-five (45) days before the Vote in two (2) newspapers, if there are two (2) newspapers, or in one (1) newspaper, if there is one (1) newspaper, having general circulation within the Library district.

Section 3. Voting.
a. Eligibility. To be eligible to vote in the Annual Library District Vote and Trustee Election, one must be a citizen of the United States, a resident of the district for thirty (30) days prior to the Vote and eighteen (18) years of age or older as of the date of the Vote. Individuals may register to vote at the Library on designated dates and times or through the Rockland County Board of Elections.
b. Registration Timeframe. An individual must be registered at least twenty-five (25) days in advance of the Annual Library District Vote and Trustee Election in order to be eligible to vote.

Section 4. Petitions.
a. Petitions nominating candidates for the office of member of the Board of Trustees must be filed in the office of the Clerk to the Board as indicated in the notice of the Annual Library District Vote and Trustee Election, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., not later than thirty (30) days before the Vote at which candidates so nominated are to be elected.

b. Each petition shall be signed by that number of signatures required by Section 2018(a) of the Education Law of the State of New York or other applicable stature;

c. Such petitions shall conform with the requirements of Section 2018, and any other applicable provision, of the Education Law of the State of New York.

Section 5. Budget Information Meeting.
a. The Board of Trustees shall hold a Budget Information Meeting within the thirty (30) days immediately preceding the Annual Library District Vote and Trustee Election at a date, time and place established by the Board of Trustees.

b. The Board of Trustees shall give notice to the public of such Budget Information Meeting as part of the notice required in Section 2 of Article I hereinabove.

Section 6. Budget Availability. A detailed written statement of the budget of the Library for the ensuing fiscal year shall be made available at the Library facilities during such hours as may be designated by the Board of Trustees on every day other than a Saturday, Sunday or holiday during the seven (7) days immediately preceding the Annual Library District Vote and Trustee Election.

Article II – Board of Trustees

Section 1. Number of Trustees. The number of Trustees, as established by the voters of that portion of the Haverstraw Stony Point Central School District/North Rockland Central School District of Rockland County, New York, which is in the Town of Haverstraw, at the special vote on April 19, 1978, shall be seven (7).

Section 2. Term.
a. The term of Trustees shall be for five (5) years.

b. The term of Trustees shall commence on the first of July next following the Annual Library District Vote and Trustee Election at which the Trustee was elected except the term of the first Trustees elected shall commence on April 19, 1978 and terminate on the appropriate anniversary measured from July 1, 1978.

Section 3. Qualifications. To be qualified to be a Trustee of the Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library one must be a citizen of the United States, a resident of the district for thirty (30) days prior to the Annual Library District Vote and Trustee Election and eighteen (18) years of age or older as of the date of the Vote.

Section 4. Functions. The Board of Trustees shall manage the affairs of the Library and shall formulate the policies by which the Library shall be managed.

Section 5. Vacancies.
a. Vacancies on the Board of Trustees shall be filled by either:
i. Scheduling and conducting a Special Library District Election within thirty (30) days after the occurrence of the vacancy; or
ii. By appointing a qualified individual to fill the vacancy within thirty (30) days after the vacancy occurs, to serve on an interim basis until a successor Trustee is qualified and elected at the next Annual Library District Vote and Trustee Election.

b. If the vacancy is to be filled by appointment by the Board of Trustees, then prior written notice shall be given to the Board of Trustees of the date, time and place of the meeting of the Board of Trustees at which said vacancy is to be filled. Said notice shall inform the Trustees that the filling of such vacancy will be on the agenda of said meeting. The notice required herein shall conform with the requirements of Article III, Section 5A of these Bylaws.

Section 6. Attendance. Any Trustee who is absent from three (3) consecutive Board meetings and/or four (4) meetings of the total number of meetings held by the Board in any given year, shall be deemed to have resigned as a Trustee if such absences are determined by the majority vote of the Trustees then in office to have been without reasonable cause.

Section 7. Resignation. Any Trustee may resign at any time by submitting his or her resignation in writing to the President or Secretary of the Board. Such resignation shall be effective upon receipt unless another date is specified therein.

Section 8. Oath of Office. Trustees are required to file the Oath of Office specified in the State Constitution within thirty (30) days of commencing the term of office. The Oath can be administered by either the Rockland County Clerk or the President of the Board, provided he or she has taken an Oath of Office. In addition, any judge of the Court of Appeals, the Attorney General or any officer authorized to take the acknowledgement of the execution of a deed of real property in the state such as a Notary Public, can administer an Oath of Office.

Section 9. Board Actions. All actions of the Board shall be of the Board as a unit. No Trustee shall act on behalf of the Board, on any matter, without prior approval of the Board. No Trustee by virtue of his or her office shall exercise any administrative responsibility with respect to the Library nor, as an individual, command the services of any Library employee.

Article III – Meetings of the Board of Trustees

Section 1. Annual Organizational Meeting. The Annual Organizational Meeting shall be held at either the first regular meeting of the Board of Trustees in July or at a special meeting of the Board of Trustees called for that purpose in July, whichever occurs first.

Section 2. Regular Meeting. The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees shall be held in the second week of each month. The specific day within said second week shall be designated by a resolution of the Board of Trustees at the Annual Organization Meeting.

Section 3. Special Meeting.
a. Special meetings of the Board of Trustees may be held at a call of the President of the Board of Trustees or by the written request of any two (2) members of the Board of Trustees duly presented to the President. In the absence of the President, said written request shall be presented to the Vice-President or the next senior officer of the Board. The written request shall set forth the purpose for which the Trustees requesting the special meeting desire the special meeting to be called. The special meeting thereby called shall be solely for the purposes stated in the written request.

b. In the event that a written request for a special meeting shall be duly presented to the proper officer of the Board of Trustees, then such officer must convene said special meeting within ten (10) days of the receipt of said request.

Section 4. Executive Session.
a. Upon a majority vote of the total membership of the Board of Trustees taken in an open meeting pursuant to a motion identifying the general area or areas of the subject or subjects to be considered, the Board of Trustees may conduct an executive session for those purposes set forth in Article VII of the Public Officer’s Law of the State of New York (Open Meetings Law).

b. No action by formal vote shall be taken in such executive session.

Section 5. Notice of Meetings
a. Notice to the Board of Trustees. Written notice to the Board of Trustees shall be given to the Trustees not less than forty-eight (48) hours before the date of a meeting of the Board of Trustees, together with a copy of the proposed agenda for said meeting.

b. Notice to the Public.
i. Where a meeting of the Board of Trustees is scheduled at least one (1) week prior to the date of the meeting, then public notice of the time and place of the meeting shall be given to the public, news media, and the Library’s website at least seventy-two (72) hours before the date of such meeting.
ii. For every other meeting of the Board of Trustees which is called less than one (1) week before the date of the meeting, public notice of the time and place shall be given, to the extent practicable, to the public, news media, and the Library’s website at a reasonable time prior thereto.

Section 6. Quorum.
a. Any four (4) Trustees shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Board of Trustees.

b. Any one or more Trustees may attend meetings by telephone or video conference so long as such Trustee(s) are able to hear the proceedings and be heard by other attendees. Any Trustee attending meetings by telephone or video conference may fully participate in any decisions made and votes taken at such meetings.

Article IV – Officers

Section 1. The Board of Trustees shall elect a President, Vice-President, Financial Officer and Secretary.

Section 2. Nominations. Nominations shall be made at the meeting at which the election shall be held. Said nominations shall be made by a Trustee. Said nominations need not be seconded.

Section 3. Election. Officers shall be elected at the Annual Organizational Meeting.

Section 4. Term. An officer’s term commences upon the election for that office and terminates at the election of the successor at the next Annual Organizational Meeting.

Section 5. Duties of Officers.
a. The duties and powers of officers shall be as implied by their respective titles and as specified by these Bylaws.

b. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Trustees. The President shall appoint the chairman pro tem of all committees and shall be a member ex-officio of all committees.

c. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall assume the responsibilities of the President.

d. In the absence of the President and Vice-President, the Financial Officer shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Trustees. The Financial Officer shall be responsible for the oversight of all financial business of the Library.

e. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President and the Financial Officer, the Secretary shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Trustees. The Secretary may be responsible for correspondence and perform such other duties as may be required by the Board or the President.

Section 6. Vacancies
a. Any vacancy in an office shall be filled by appointment by the Board of Trustees and said appointee shall serve for the remainder of the term which is vacant.

b. An office shall be deemed vacated when the officer either dies, resigns, is removed from office, becomes unqualified pursuant to Article II Section 3, or is removed as a Trustee.

c. The expiration of a term shall not constitute a vacancy within the meaning of this section.

Article V – Committees

Section 1. Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall perform the duties and responsibilities of the Board when circumstances require urgent action which cannot wait for the next scheduled meeting of the Board or for a special meeting to be called. The Executive Committee can also exercise other powers and duties as may be authorized by the Board. Any time the Executive Committee exercises the authority of the Board it shall be obligated to notify all Trustees of such action. All Trustees shall receive notice of meetings of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the President, Vice President, Financial Officer, and Secretary. The President shall be the chair of the Executive Committee.

Section 2. Special Committees. The President may appoint special committees in furtherance of the purpose of this Library.

Section 3. Functions. The functions of the committees shall be those normally assigned to such committees.

Section 4. Ex-officio Members. The President and the Library Director shall be members ex-officio of all committees.

Section 5. Committee Chairperson. Each committee chairperson shall be elected at the Annual Organizational Meeting.

Article VI – Appointments

Section 1. Library Director.
a. Appointment. The Board shall appoint a Library Director, who shall be the executive and administrative officer of the library, acting on behalf of the Board and under its review and direction. The Board shall evaluate and fix the compensation of the Library Director annually.

b. Responsibilities. In accordance with the official Civil Service title specification for the position, the Library Director shall be responsible: for the proper specification of duties of, the direction of, and the supervision of Staff; for the care and maintenance of Library property; for adequate and proper selection of Library materials in keeping with stated policies established by the Board; for the effectiveness of Library service to the public; for operation within the Library budget; and for such other matters consistent herewith as may be identified by the Board from time to time.

c. Board Meetings. The Library Director shall attend all meetings of the Board of Trustees and respond to questions from Trustees. The Library Director shall give a report to the Board at all regular meetings. The Library Director may participate in the discussions at meetings of the Board and Committees and offer professional advice, but shall not have a vote.

Section 2. Clerk to the Board.
a. Appointment. The Board shall appoint a Clerk to the Board at the Annual Organizational Meeting, who will act on behalf of the Board and under its review and direction. The Clerk to the Board shall not be a current Trustee of the Library. The Clerk to the Board shall serve at the pleasure of the Board for a one year term. The Clerk to the Board may succeed himself or herself in office.

b. Responsibilities. The Clerk to the Board shall record the minutes of all meetings of the Board of Trustees and shall provide copies thereof to the Trustees before the next subsequent regular meeting of the Board of Trustees; gather and distribute the Board packet of materials prior to scheduled meetings; organize the Annual Library District Vote and Trustee Election; and provide notice of meetings and resolutions to the public and news media.

c. Meetings. The Clerk to the Board shall attend all meetings of the Board of Trustees and respond to questions from Trustees.

Section 3. Treasurer.
a. Appointment. The Board shall appoint a Treasurer at the Annual Organizational Meeting, who shall be the financial officer of the library, acting on behalf of the Board and under its review and direction. The Treasurer shall not be a current Trustee of the Library. The Treasurer shall serve at the pleasure of the Board for a one year term. The Treasurer may succeed himself or herself in office.

b. Responsibilities. The Treasurer shall receive all funds for and on behalf of the Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library; shall deposit said funds to the account of the Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library; and shall disburse funds as authorized by the Board of Trustees. He or she shall be responsible for collecting the debts owed to the Library; paying the obligations of the Library; administering the budget of the Library in coordination with the Library Director; filing the Library’s tax returns in conjunction with the Library’s selected auditing firm; and maintaining books and records in which are recorded the financial transactions and affairs of the Library.

c. Meetings. The Treasurer may be required to attend meetings of the Board of Trustees and/or the Executive Committee and respond to questions from Trustees. The Treasurer shall submit monthly financial reports and as directed by the Board of Trustees.

Article VII – Fiscal Year

Section 1. The fiscal year of the Library shall be July 1st through the following June 30th.

Article VIII – Parliamentary Authority

Section 1. Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, shall govern all the proceedings of the Board of Trustees not otherwise governed by these Bylaws or by applicable statute.

Article IX – Indemnification

Section 1. The Library shall indemnify, to the fullest extent permissible under Public Officers Law Section 18, any person, and the heirs and personal representatives of such person, against any and all judgments, fines, amounts paid in settlement and reasonable expenses, including attorneys’ fees, actually and necessarily incurred by or imposed upon such person, or in connection with, or resulting from any claim, action, suit or proceeding, whether civil or criminal, in which such person is a party or is threatened to be made a party by reason of such person being or having been a Trustee, officer, employee or agent of the Library, or of another library, joint agent of the Library, or of another library, joint venture, trust or other organization in which such person serves as a director, officer, employee or agent at the request of the Library, or by reason of such person being or having been an administrator or a member of any Board or committee of the Library or of any such other organization, including, but not limited to, any administrator, Board or committee related to any employee benefit plan.
To the fullest extent permissible under law, the Library may advance expenses incurred in defending a civil or criminal action, suit or proceeding to any such Trustee, officer, employee or agent upon receipt of any undertaking by or on behalf of the Trustee, officer, employee or agent to repay such amount, if it shall ultimately be determined that such person is not entitled to indemnification by the Library. The foregoing right of indemnification and advancement of expenses shall in no way be exclusive of any other rights of indemnification to which any such person may be entitled, under any bylaw, agreement, vote of Trustees or otherwise, and shall inure to the benefit of the heirs and personal representatives of such person. Any repeal or amendment of this Section 1 of Article IX shall be prospective only and shall not adversely affect any right of protection of a person with respect to any act or omission occurring prior to the time of such repeal or modification.

Section 2. The Library may purchase and maintain insurance on behalf of any person who is or was a Trustee, officer, employee or agent of the Library, or is or was serving at the request of the Library as a Trustee, officer, employee or agent of another Library, partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise against any liability asserted against such person and incurred by such person in any such capacity, or arising out of the person’s status as such, whether or not the Library would have the power to indemnify such person against such liability under Public
Officers Law Section 18.

Article X – Amendments

Section 1. These Bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Board of Trustees or at a special meeting of the Board of Trustees called for that purpose providing that written notice of such proposed amendment shall be given to each Trustee not less than seven (7) days prior to the date at which the Board of Trustees meeting to act upon such amendment is to be held and providing that such notice must contain the text of the proposed amendment.

Article XI – Severability

Section 1. The subsequent determination of invalidity of any part of these Bylaws shall not invalidate any other part of the Bylaws. Those portions of the Bylaws determined to be invalid shall be deemed to be severed, and the remaining Bylaws shall remain in full force and effect.

Adopted 1978
Revised 11/13/2001
Revised 2/10/2015
Revised 6/8/2021
Reaffirmed 2/11/2025

Community Room Use Purpose:
This policy outlines the rules governing the usage of public spaces on the premises of the Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library. Policy Statements: The Community Rooms and related facilities of the Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library are an integral part of the Library’s services, and have been planned primarily to be used for Library-sponsored programs. As a public institution, however, the Library also shares these facilities with local community groups for informational, educational, recreational, civic and cultural meetings. The Library endorses the principle adopted by the American Library Association in the Library Bill of Rights (HKDPL Policy 1.1) regarding meeting room use which states, “Libraries which maintain meeting rooms, exhibit space, or other facilities open to the public should make them available on equal terms to all persons, regardless of their beliefs or affiliations.” Authorization to use meeting rooms does not constitute an endorsement by the Library of a group or organization’s positions or beliefs. The following guidelines govern the use of the Community Rooms, however, the Library Director shall, at all times, have the authority to make a decision on any application for use based on what is in the best interests of the Library and the community it serves. Any such decision may be appealed to the Board of Trustees. For the purposes of this document, the terms “not-for-profit” and “non-profit” are synonymous. “Not-for-profit” will be used throughout.

I. General Guidelines
1. All meetings and programs whether Library-sponsored or held by outside groups, shall be free and open to the public.

2. Rooms are not available for private social occasions.

3. Users may book space in advance, subject to the Library’s calendar and the need to make the rooms available to as many community groups as possible. Repetitive meeting schedules will not be approved for more than one month at one time, and are subject to review, periodically.

4. Community Rooms may not be used for sale of merchandise or services, except for sales conducted by the Library or not-for-profit Friends of the Library group, the proceeds of which shall be for the benefit of the Library.

5. Community Rooms may be booked only for those hours when the Library is scheduled to be open and which allows sufficient time for staff to assist with room arrangements:
Main Library Monday – Thursday: 9:30 am to 9 pm Friday: 9:30 am to 5:30 pm Saturday: 10 am to 5 pm Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library Policies Policy 3.2. Community Room Use Page 2 of 3 Sunday: 1 pm to 5 pm (September through June only) Village Branch Monday: 12 pm to 8 pm Tuesday-Thursday: 10 am to 6 pm Friday: 10 am to 5:30 pm Saturday: 10 am to 5 pm Sunday: Closed

6. All Users must conclude their meeting and vacate the meeting room 15 minutes prior to the Library’s scheduled closing.

7. User meetings may need to be cancelled, or rescheduled (with reasonable notice), at any time when the facility is needed for library use or library sponsored activities.

8. If user has attendees under the age of 18, at least two adults over the age of 21 must be in attendance to supervise.

9. User and attendees may not leave children under the age of 10 unattended in the Library.

10. The individual signing the application for use of the room on behalf of a group shall be responsible for the conduct and activity of the users and shall insure that the room is left in good order upon completion of the meeting.

11. All publicity relating to events must be handled by the user and must clearly state: “This event is not sponsored or endorsed by the Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library and is free and open to the general public.”

12. The Library’s address and telephone number may not be used by any non-library related group, except as a designation of event location.

13. In case of inclement weather, it is the User’s responsibility to determine if the Library is open and to notify attendees of any cancellation.

14. The Library reserves the right to eject, cancel or suspend the rights of use in event of violation of any aforesaid rules and regulations.

15. Policies and regulations governing the use of the Community Rooms may be amended by the Board of Trustees at any time, without notice.

II. Facilities

1. On request and at time of application, the Library will provide up to fourteen (14) 30″ x 6′ tables (appropriate to room), chairs, lectern, dry erase board, overhead projector, LCD projector, easel, VCR, DVD player.

2. Persons using the facility may not attach decorations, displays, posters etc. to any surface. The use of helium balloons is prohibited.

3. The number of attendees shall be limited to the number prescribed by local fire regulations.

4. No smoking or alcoholic beverages are allowed. (See exception in Exhibits Policy) No gambling is allowed.

5. Community Room must be left clean and all furniture shall be returned to original placement.

III. Liability
1. Any damage to the Community Rooms or loss of equipment or materials is the responsibility of the organization and shall be billed accordingly. Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library Policies Policy 3.2. Community Room Use Page 3 of 3

2. The Library is not responsible for loss, theft or damage to any property brought onto the Library premises (including the parking area) for any purpose or under any circumstance.

3. The User agrees to hold the Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library harmless from any claim for any injury, loss or damage caused by any act whatsoever, by User or any attendee or any employee or guest of the Library. IV. Application For Use 1. An application must be completed, signed and filed with the Library Director, or her (his) designee. Confirmation or denial will be provided in writing via email following review of the application. (See Form 3.2.a Application for Use of Community Rooms.)

2. Should the User have to cancel the meeting, the person signing the application is responsible for notifying the Library at least one week before the scheduled meeting date. V.

Rental Fees
1. Use of the Community Rooms by not-for-profit local organizations is free, with the following exception: a. Where unusual supplies or services are required for a meeting, the Library reserves the right to request a fee.

2. A fee is required for use of the Community Rooms by other than not-for-profit local organizations.

3. For-profit organizations renting the Community Rooms may not charge a fee or collect money from participants.

4. Payment by check to the Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library is due to the Library by the event date.

5. There is a $25 fee for returned checks.

6. The Fee Schedule is listed on Form 3.2.a. Application for Use of Community Rooms. Fees may be adjusted as necessary by the Board of Trustees.

Adopted by the Board of Trustees, 2003 Amended by the Board of Trustees, August 9, 2016

Policy 2.2 Confidentiality of Library Records

Purpose: Privacy is essential to the exercise of free speech, free thought and free association (American Library Association). This policy outlines the steps the Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library follows to protect the privacy and confidentiality of library patrons.

Policy Statement: Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library upholds New York State Civil Practice Law and Rules §4509, which states that library records which contain names or other personally identifying details regarding the users of public libraries shall be confidential and not be disclosed except that such records may be disclosed to the extent necessary for the proper operation of the library and shall be disclosed upon request or consent of the user or pursuant to subpoena, court order or where otherwise required by statute.

This policy applies to all library resources regardless of format or means of delivery as well as to all services offered.


1. Protected information includes, but is not limited to, records related to the circulation of library materials, computer database searches, interlibrary loan transactions, reference queries, requests for photocopies of library materials, title reserve requests and the use of audio-visual materials, films, sound recordings, computers and wireless networks.

2. All library employees are advised such records shall not be made available or disclosed to any persons or entity, including any agency of state, federal, or local government except pursuant to such process, order or subpoena as may be authorized under the authority of, and pursuant to, federal, state, or local law relating to civil, criminal, or administrative discovery procedures or legislative investigative power, or as otherwise required by statute.

3. Notwithstanding anything above to the contrary, such records may be disclosed to the extent necessary for the proper operation of the library (as shall be determined by the Library Director or Board of Trustees) and upon the consent or request of the library user identified by such records.

Adopted by the Board of Trustees, 1995
Revised November 11, 2014; February 11, 2025

Purpose: The Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library is committed to implementing reliable and cost effective measures that will allow us to avoid wasted expense and protect the environment.

Policy Statement: The Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library will promote and practice safe and responsible use of energy, recycling and waste management, purchasing, transportation, land use and water in the planning and delivery of all our services.

Actions: Incorporate green purchasing and consider energy efficiency in all aspects of library purchases, plans, and operations, including transportation between sites
Maintain responsible site management practices to avoid leaks, reduce toxins and keep our surrounding environment clean and safe
Communicate our Environmental Policy and relevant procedures to employees, suppliers, contractors and other stakeholders
Provide employees with training and education to recognize, plan, implement and sustain energy savings in all aspects of library services
Establish a reporting system to consistently track our energy consumption and make necessary updates towards managing and reducing energy costs

Strive towards becoming a “Zero Waste Business.” In order to accomplish this we will adhere to our local Rockland County Solid Waste Management principles and the separation law to discard materials responsibly
Provide at least four programs annually on environmental sustainability issues specific to our geographic region

Approved by the Board of Trustees, December 11, 2018
Revised by the Board of Trustees, November 12, 2019

When our fire alarm goes off, even if it is a false alarm, everyone must immediately and quickly vacate the building. This is not the Library’s policy, this is mandated by the Town of Haverstraw Fire Marshal. Please remember that the elevator is never to be used during an alarm. In addition, do not park in the fire lane. Town Police will ticket your car. We appreciate your complete cooperation in these matters.

In keeping with its mission to enrich, inspire, empower and connect the community, the Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library is committed to providing access to the internet by making available workstations and wi-fi for patrons and the community.
Access to the internet is compatible with the Library’s endorsement of the Library Bill of Rights; the Freedom to Read Statement; the Freedom to View; Access to Electronic Information Services and Networks; and with the policies, goals and objectives of this public library.
1. Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library patrons and members of the Ramapo Catskill Library System may sign on to a public computer using their library card account. Visitors may make a request for a guest pass from a service desk. Guest pass requests are subject to availability.
2. Patrons and visitors with their own internet-enabled devices can access the wireless network.
3. Time limits and printing privileges may be imposed as demand and availability necessitate. Patrons are responsible for saving their work to an external drive or cloud-based resource.
4. Accessing the internet through public computers and wi-fi made available by the Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library constitutes acknowledgement and agreement to this Policy.
5. Library patrons are solely responsible for determining the accuracy and appropriateness of information accessed through the internet. The Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library assumes no responsibility for any damages, direct or indirect, arising from use of its internet access, or from its connections to other internet services.
6. Library users access the internet at their own discretion and risk.
7. Library workstations are shared public computers and the Library cannot guarantee the security of any personal or financial information entered therein.
8. The Library is not responsible for connection difficulties. Every effort is made to provide fair and equal access to all patrons.
9. As with other library materials, it is the sole responsibility of parents, guardians or caregivers to supervise the internet use of minors in their care. At the Main Library in Garnerville, users 12 and under have access to the internet in the Children’s Room; users 12-18 may use workstations in the Teen Room.
10. Internet users may not download software, install, delete or modify hardware or software; set up shortcuts; alter bookmarks or settings on any library workstation.
11. Patrons may not use the Library’s connectivity for purposes contrary to state or federal laws; nor to interfere with or disrupt other users, services or equipment; nor for unauthorized sales and marketing of products or services. Users must adhere to copyright laws and licensing agreements. Those whose actions violate local, state or federal law may be subject to criminal prosecution.
12. Patrons found to be abusing this shared service or violating any policy of the Library may be prohibited from further internet access and subject to loss of Library privileges.
13. The Library Director is the final authority with regard to enforcing this policy.

Adopted by the Board of Trustees, July 28, 1998
Amended October 12, 1999; June 13, 2000; April 13, 2005; September 11, 2007;
Amended by the Board of Trustees, May 14, 2024

The Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library’s behavior rules have a threefold purpose: to protect the rights and safety of library patrons, to protect the rights and safety of staff members, and to preserve and protect the library’s materials, facilities and property.

Definitions And Scope:
These behavior rules shall apply to all buildings, interior and exterior, and all grounds controlled and operated by the Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library (such buildings and grounds are hereafter referred to as the “premises”) and to all persons entering in or on the premises.

Persons who violate these rules may be ejected from the premises and excluded from all library premises for the period of time listed below.

Library users and staff members may not engage in:

1. Committing or attempting to commit any activity that would constitute a violation of any federal, state or local criminal statue or ordinance.

2. Engaging in sexual conduct, as defined under NYS Penal Law 235.00, including, but not limited to, the physical manipulation or touching of a person’s sex organs through a person’s clothing in an act of apparent sexual stimulation or gratification.

3. Being under the influence of any controlled substance or intoxicating liquor. Controlled substance is defined in NYS Public Health Law 3306.

4. Possessing, selling, distributing or consuming any alcoholic beverage, except as allowed at a Library-approved event.

5. Engaging in conduct that disrupts or interferes with the normal operation of the Library, or disturbs staff members or patrons, including, but not limited to, making personal advances, asking questions about non-library or personal matters, conduct that involves the use of abusive or threatening language or gestures, conduct that creates unreasonable noise, or conduct that consists of loud or boisterous physical behavior or talking.

6. Using Library-owned materials, equipment, furniture, fixtures or buildings in a manner inconsistent with the customary use thereof; or in a destructive, abusive or potentially damaging manner; or in a manner likely to cause personal injury to the actor or others.

7. Disobeying the reasonable direction of a Library staff member, Library security officer or officer of the law.

8. Soliciting, petitioning, distributing written materials or canvassing for political, charitable or religious purposes inside a Library building, including the doorway or vestibule of any such building or in a manner on premises that unreasonably interferes with or impedes access to the Library.

9. Interfering with the free passage of Library staff or patrons in or on the Library premises, including, but not limited to, placing objects such as bicycles, skateboards, backpacks or other items in a manner that interferes with free passage.

10. Placing personal belongings on or against buildings, furniture, equipment or fixtures in a manner that interferes with staff or patron use of the premises.

11. Bringing bicycles or other similar devices inside the premises.

12. Operating roller skates, skateboards, scooters, or other similar devices in or on the premises.

13. Parking vehicles on Library premises for purposes other than Library use. Vehicles parked in violation of this rule may be towed at the owner’s expense.

14. Smoking or other use of tobacco or smoking substitutes, including, but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, pipes, e-cigarettes, and chewing tobacco.

15. Eating or drinking beverages outside of designated areas or drinking near electronic equipment.

16. Bringing animals on the premises (with the exception of service animals), except as allowed at a Library-approved event.

17. Violating the Library’s rules for Acceptable Use of the Internet and Library Public Computers.

18. Sleeping in or on the premises.

19. Improperly using Library restrooms for the purpose of, including, but not limited to, bathing, shaving, washing hair and changing clothes.

20. Using personal electronic equipment at a volume that disturbs others, including, but not limited to, pagers, stereos, televisions and cellular telephones.

21. Leaving one or more children under the age of ten (10), who reasonably appear to be unsupervised or unattended, anywhere in or on the premises.

22. Entering the premises with bare feet, bare-chested or wearing clothing that insignificantly ensures the modesty of the wearer.

23. Disturbing others because of offensive body odor or poor hygiene.

Any person who violates rules 1-4 while in or on the premises will be immediately ejected and excluded from all Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library premises without first being given a warning. Any person so excluded shall lose all Library privileges for a period of up to three years, and the incident will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

Any person who violates rules 5-17 while in or on the premises will be given up to one warning at the discretion of Library staff; then the person will be asked to leave the premises for the day. Subsequent offenses by that person will result in that person’s immediate ejection and exclusion from all Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library premises. Any person so excluded shall lose all library privileges for a period of up to one year.

Any person who violates rules 18-21 while in or on the premises will be given up to two warnings at the discretion of Library staff; then the person will be asked to leave the premises for the day. Subsequent offenses by that person will result in that person’s immediate ejection and exclusion from all Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library premises. Any person so excluded shall lose all Library privileges for a period of up to six months.

Any person who violates rules 22 and 23 while in or on the premises will be excluded from the premises until the problem is corrected.

Approved and Adopted by the Board of Trustees May 9, 1995
Amended April 12, 2005, Board of Trustees
Amended December 13, 2006, Board of Trustees
Amended April 8, 2014, Board of Trustees

Purpose: The Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library will select, organize, preserve and make freely and easily available to the people of the community a wide variety of print and non-print materials. In keeping with the Library’s Mission Statement, this policy provides guidance to library staff and informs the public about the principles upon which materials, resources and services are selected.

Definition: The terms “materials” and “resources” have the widest possible meanings. They may include but are not limited to: books, video recordings, audio recordings, photographs, magazines, newspapers, maps, manuscripts, and digital materials, owned or accessed by the Library.

1. The Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library affirms as part of this policy, the Library Bill of Rights, the Freedom to Read Statement, the Freedom to View and Hear Statement.
2. The Library recognizes that expanding areas of knowledge, changing social values, technological advances and cultural differences require flexibility, open-mindedness and responsiveness in the selection, evaluation and reevaluation of all resources.
3. Responsibility for Selection: Authority and responsibility for the selection of library resources are delegated to the Library Director by the Board of Trustees. At the discretion of the Director, qualified staff members are assigned selection responsibilities.
4. Selection Standards: Professional journals, popular and local media, and alternative vendor sources are used in the selection process. The Library is committed to purchasing high interest materials regardless of mainstream journal review and inclusion. The Library’s acquisition of any resource does not constitute endorsement. Selection will not be made on the basis of anticipated approval or disapproval, but solely on the basis of this policy’s guidelines. While a single standard cannot be applied, potential resources are judged by the following appropriate criteria: a. Relevance to community needs, interests and demand b. Balance with the current collection c. Suitability of subject, style, format, interest and reading level for the intended audience d. Reputation of the author, composer, filmmaker, publisher or producer e. Quality of writing, design, illustration or production.
5. Labeling of Materials: Library resources will not be labeled, marked or identified to show approval or disapproval of their contents.
6. Withdrawal of Materials: Resources are withdrawn from the collection in order to maintain its usefulness, currency, relevance and condition. Withdrawn resources may be sold, offered to other libraries or nonprofit organizations, recycled, discontinued or discarded. See Disposition of Library Materials & Property, Policy 1.6 for more information.
7. Responsibility for monitoring a child’s access to resources rests with the parent or legal Policy 1.4.a Statement of Concern Page 2 of 2 guardian.
8. Evaluation of Materials: The Library recognizes that some resources may be considered controversial and that any given item may offend some patrons. Materials will not be removed solely as a result of pressure or demand. Library district patrons requesting that resources be removed from the collection must complete the Statement of Concern Form and submit it to the Library Director. The matter will be given serious attention by the Library Director and appropriate department head. A response will be made within a reasonable time. Requests will be considered using this policy’s guidelines, the principles of the Library Bill of Rights, the opinions of the various reviewing sources, and any other appropriate source. The Library Director will notify the patron of the results of the reconsideration. The Director’s decision may be appealed to the Board of Trustees. The Director’s decision may be appealed, in writing by the person who submitted the evaluation request, to the Library Board of Trustees within thirty (30) days of the date of the Director’s decision. Mail a brief letter requesting an appeal addressed to the Board of Trustees, 10 West Ramapo Road, Garnerville, NY 10923 or fax the letter to (845) 786-3791, Attn: Board of Trustees. The Board reserves the right to undertake a thorough investigation prior to making a decision. That investigation will include a complete evaluation of the resource itself and of the relevant Library policies. It may also include consultation with staff, the Library’s attorney, the Ramapo Catskill Library System, and professional organizations or other resources as the Board deems necessary in order to make a fully-informed decision. The Board may take up to 90 days from receipt of the appeal for this process. The Board’s determination is final and will remain in place for three years from the date of the decision before a new Statement of Concern for the material will be considered for the same item.
9. Gifts & Memorials: Donations of materials or of funds for the purchase of materials, are welcome. The Library, however, accepts gift materials with the explicit understanding that those which are useful to the Library’s collection will be retained, and other materials may be disposed of in accordance with the Library’s Disposition of Library Materials & Property Policy. Suggestions of specific titles or subjects are welcome when memorial donations are given, but the final decision, based on the collection, rests with the Library. An appropriate book plate will be placed in each gift if requested by the donor.
10. Policy Review: This policy is available to the public at the Library and on our website. It will be reviewed by the Library Director and the Board of Trustees every five years.

Adopted by the Board of Trustees, 1996
Amended by the Board of Trustees, February 9, 2016
Amended by the Board of Trustees, November 9, 2021
Amended by the Board of Trustees, July 18, 2023

Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library offers notary public services free of charge for the benefit of the community. This service is available only when our NYS-licensed staff member(s) are on duty. Availability of notary services is not guaranteed.

1. Any patron utilizing the Library’s notary services must personally appear, present a valid driver’s license or other government-issued photo identification and sign in front of the notary public.
2. Notary publics are required to follow all New York State and applicable local laws and regulations governing notary services.
3. The Library’s notary service is not available for deeds, and other real estate documents (for example, mortgages and satisfactions of mortgages), wills, living wills, trusts, codicils, powers of attorney or depositions.
4. The Library notary is not equipped to notarize documents in any language other than English.
5. The Library will not provide witnesses, and witnesses may not be solicited from other staff members or patrons using the Library. In order to serve as a witness, the witness must personally know the person whose document is being notarized and must be in possession of valid government-issued photo identification.
6. The person requesting notary services must be able to communicate with the notary. Translators are not permitted. Library notaries will comply with requests for accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
7. Library notaries are not attorneys licensed to practice law, and may not give legal advice.
8. Library notaries comply with current New York State Notary Public License Law.
9. At their sole discretion, Library notaries may refuse service if the customer, document or circumstances of the request for notary service raise any issue of authenticity, ambiguity, doubt or uncertainty for the Library.
10. The Library does not provide electronic notarization.
11. Notary service is not available in the thirty (30) minutes prior to the time of closing.

Adopted by the Board of Trustees, July 18, 2023

This policy addresses programs developed and sponsored by the Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library and those developed in conjunction with other organizations or community members, and cosponsored by the Library.

The Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library conducts programs to fulfill its mission to enrich, inspire, empower and connect our community. These programs extend and promote the role of the Library as a community resource; enhance the information found in Library collections; offer a way for people to obtain information; encourage participation in civic life; and help to address the cultural and leisure-related interests of the community.

1. Library programs are open to the general public. Most programs are designed with specific age range or audience in mind, i.e., children’s programs, teen program, adult programs. These programs will be publicized as such and participation may be limited to that audience only. For some programs, Haverstraw cardholders may receive priority due to high interest
and space limitations.

2. Within the scope of Policy 1.1. Library Bill of Rights, it is the intention of the Board of Trustees to provide programs to the community without prejudice to the full and free expression of ideas. Presentation of a program topic by the Library does not constitute an endorsement by the Library of the group’s or individual’s policies or beliefs. Library programming will not exclude topics, books, speakers, media and other resources because they may be perceived as controversial.

3. Selection of library program topics, speakers, courses, classes and resource materials will be made by Library personnel on the basis of the interests and needs of Library users and the community. Library staff may use, but are not limited to, the following criteria in program planning and cosponsorship:
a. Relation to library mission and service goals
b. Community needs and interest
c. Presentation quality and treatment of content for intended audience
d. Presenter background/qualifications/reputation
e. Availability of program space
f. Budget and staffing considerations
g. Connection to other community programs, exhibits or events

4. In scheduling events, Library-initiated programming is prioritized. Programs sponsored by outside groups are permitted and may be scheduled in accordance with the regulations set forth in the Library Policy 3.2. Community Room Use.

5. The purpose of programs may not be purely commercial or for the solicitation of business. The presenter may leave business cards for participants to pick up after the program should anyone be interested in purchasing items or services from the presenter. However, recognizing that program attendees may wish to purchase items such as books written by speakers or recordings made by performers, the Library may permit the sale of such items in conjunction with a program. All plans to sell such items must be arranged in advance and approved by the Library staff responsible for the program. Program presenters are responsible for the handling of all sales.

6. Every attempt will be made to accommodate all who wish to attend a program. However, when safety or the success of a program requires it, attendance may be limited. When limits must be established, attendance will be determined on a first come, first served basis, either with advanced registration or at the door.

7. Programs will be developed with consideration for the principles of accessibility and equity. These include, but are not limited to, access for people with disabilities, and times and locations that maximize convenience and encourage attendance by the target audience.

8. Library staff has the discretion to cancel programs, to be rescheduled or not.

9. In some cases, the nature and success of a program may require that attendance is limited based on age, particularly programs intended for children and teens that are geared to their interests and developmental needs. In no case will attendance at a program be limited because the content of the program may be perceived as controversial.

10. The Library reserves the right to use video or photographs taken of program participants for internal use, publication, and use in library promotional outlets, and for evaluation purposes.

11. The Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library uses various third-party virtual platforms such as Zoom, GoToMeeting, YouTube, Facebook, and others to offer services around communication, collaboration and projects, etc. We may also display links to third-party services or content. By following the links, you may be providing some personally identifying information (including, but not limited to name, username, email address, and password) directly to a third-party. You acknowledge and agree that Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library is not responsible for how those third-parties collect or use your information. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of every third-party website or service that you visit or use, including those third-parties with whom you interact through our Library services.

12. Concerns or questions about Library programs or cosponsored programs should be referred to the Library Director using Form 2.14.a. Statement of Concern – Programming.

Adopted by the Board of Trustees, July 18, 2023

Policy 2.1. Rules of Conduct

Purpose: The Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library’s Rules of Conduct have a threefold purpose: to protect the rights and safety of library patrons, to protect the rights and safety of staff members, and to preserve and protect the library’s materials, facilities and property.

Definitions and scope: These Rules shall apply to all buildings, interior and exterior, and all grounds controlled and operated by the Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library (hereafter referred to as the “premises”) and to all persons entering in or on the premises and those participating in programs onsite, offsite or virtually.

Consequences: Violation of any of the following rules while in or on the premises may result in immediate ejection and exclusion from all Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library premises and programs with or without first being given a warning. Any person so excluded may lose all Library privileges and the incident may be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

Library administration, staff and security personnel are empowered to enforce these Rules.

Library users, contractors, vendors, volunteers and employees may not engage in the following while on the premises:
1. Committing or attempting to commit any activity that would constitute a violation of any federal, state or local criminal statute or ordinance.
2. Engaging in sexual conduct, as defined under NYS Penal Law 235.00, including, but not limited to, the physical manipulation or touching of a person’s sex organs through a person’s clothing in an act of apparent sexual stimulation or gratification.
3. Using or being under the influence of any controlled substance, cannabis or intoxicating liquor. Controlled substance is defined in NYS Public Health Law 3306.
4. Possessing, selling, distributing or consuming any alcoholic beverage, except as allowed at a Library-approved event.
5. Possessing a firearm, weapon, improvised weapon of any kind or hazardous materials.
6. Engaging in conduct that disrupts or interferes with Library operations, or disturbs staff members or patrons, including, but not limited to, entering staff workspaces, making personal advances, harassment, asking questions about non-library or personal matters, conduct that involves the use of abusive or threatening language or gestures, conduct that creates unreasonable noise, conduct that consists of loud or boisterous physical behavior.
7. Using Library-owned materials, equipment, furniture, fixtures or buildings in a manner that is inconsistent with the customary use thereof; or in a destructive, abusive or potentially damaging manner; or in a manner likely to cause personal injury to the individual or others.
8. Disobeying the direction of a Library staff member, Library security officer or officer of the law.
9. Soliciting, petitioning, distributing written materials or canvassing for political, charitable or religious purposes inside a Library building, including the doorway or vestibule of any such building or in a manner on premises that unreasonably interferes with or impedes access to the Library.
10. Interfering with the free passage of or use of the premises by Library staff or patrons using one’s person or objects including, but not limited to bicycles, skateboards, backpacks or other personal belongings.
11. Bringing sports equipment such as bicycles, racquets, bats or other equipment inside the premises.
12. Operating bicycles, roller skates, skateboards, scooters, or other similar devices in or on the premises.
13. Parking on Library premises in a manner that is dangerous or in violation of parking regulations posted on the property.
14. Smoking or other use of tobacco or smoking substitutes, including, but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, pipes, e-cigarettes, vapes and chewing tobacco.
15. Eating or drinking beverages outside of designated areas or drinking near electronic equipment.
16. Bringing wildlife on the premises (with the exception of service animals), except as allowed at a Library-approved event.
17. Violating the Library’s rules for acceptable use of the internet as outlined in Policy 2.6 Internet.
18. Sleeping or hiding in or on the premises.
19. Using Library restrooms improperly for the purpose of, including, but not limited to, food preparation, bathing, shaving, washing hair, washing laundry and changing clothes.
20. Using personal electronic equipment at a volume that disturbs others.
21. Leaving a child/children under the age of twelve (12) unsupervised or unattended, anywhere in or on the premises.
22. Entering the premises with bare feet, without shoes, or bare-chested. All patrons must be fully clothed at all times while on premises.
23. Disturbing others because of offensive body odor or poor personal hygiene.

Adopted: Board of Trustees, December 13, 2006
Revised: Board of Trustees, April 8, 2014;
Revised: Board of Trustees, November 12, 2024

Security Camera Usage Policy Statement:
In the interest of maintaining a safe and secure environment for the public and staff members, and to ensure the security of collections and facilities, the Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library will utilize video recording equipment.

Purpose: The Board of Trustees is responsible for determining the rules of behavior necessary to protect the rights of individuals to use library materials and services, to protect the rights of employees to conduct library business without interference, and to preserve library materials and facilities. (Refer to Policy 2.1 Patron Rules of Conduct for information on behaviors that are not permitted on premises.) Further, the Board of Trustees believes that library users have the right to use library materials, facilities and services without being disturbed or impeded by other library users; that library users and employees have the right to an environment that is secure and comfortable; and that library users and employees have the right to materials and facilities that are accessible and in good condition. In pursuit of this objective, the Board of Trustees has determined that selected public and staff areas of the library will be monitored by video recording equipment. The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the placement and use of security cameras, as well as the access and retrieval of recorded video images at the Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library. While it is recognized that the use of security cameras will not prevent all incidents, its potential deterrent effect and use as a means of providing assistance to law enforcement in identifying and prosecuting offenders is considered worthwhile.

1. General
a. Because security cameras are not constantly monitored, employees and patrons should take appropriate precautions for their safety and for the security of personal property.
b. The Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library is not responsible for loss of property or personal injury. c. Staff and patron safety is the first priority in any threatening situation. The protection of library property is of secondary importance.

2. Location
a. Cameras are installed at library locations on an as-needed basis.
b. Security cameras may be placed in both indoor and outdoor areas so that designated library staff can periodically monitor activity.
c. Placement of cameras will be limited to uses that do not violate a reasonable expectation of privacy. Examples include common areas of the library such as entrances, book stacks, public seating areas, hallways, stairways, delivery areas, workspaces and parking lots. Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library Policies
d. Cameras may be installed in areas that could assist law enforcement in documenting traffic accidents or other incidents unrelated to the Library that take place on the public streets and surrounding properties within camera view. Examples include cameras on the exterior of a library building that not only document activity on Library property but also the sidewalk, public streets, and surrounding properties.
e. Cameras will not be installed in areas of the Library where individuals have a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as in restrooms.

3. Notice to the Public
a. Signage shall be conspicuously displayed within the Library advising of the recording of video images.
b. A copy of this policy is posted on the Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library’s website.

4. Privacy and Law Enforcement
a. To the extent that any recorded images include identifiable persons requesting information or checking out an item, such record shall be treated as confidential as provided in §4509 of the State of New York Civil Practice Laws and Rules.
b. Cameras will not be installed for the purpose of monitoring staff performance.
c. Conversations or other audible communication shall not be monitored or recorded by the security cameras.

5. Viewing Real-Time and Stored Images
a. All requests for the viewing of real-time or recorded images by law enforcement officials must be presented to the library director or his/her designee. Law enforcement officials may then view recorded images unless such images are protected by §4509 of the State of New York Civil Practice Laws and Rules, in which case such records would be released only pursuant to valid court order.
b. Access to the footage in pursuit of documented incidents of criminal activity or violation of the library’s Policy 2.1 Patron Rules of Conduct is restricted to designated staff members: Library Administration, Persons-in-Charge (PICs), Reference Desk Staff, Security Staff, Custodial Staff, and Information Technology Staff.
c. Patron access to video footage is not permitted. d. Production of video copies for distribution to law enforcement is limited to designated Technology or Administration staff.
e. Designated staff as described above may have access to real-time monitors. Images will be viewed on desktop monitors placed in secure areas to ensure private access.
f. Circumstances under which designated staff may view images in real-time include observation of areas beyond view from designated workstations for assurance of safety and security or upon report of suspicious behavior, including violations of Policy 2.1 Patron Rules of Conduct, criminal activity, destruction or theft of library property or assets, or other activity that may be disruptive to library users, staff or operations.

6. Data Storage
a. Images will be stored for a length of time based on available storage but no longer than 21 days. As new images are recorded, the oldest images will be automatically deleted.
b. Video records will not be maintained if no criminal activity or policy violation has occurred.
c. In situations involving banned-and-barred patrons, stored still images may be shared with all staff members. Shared images may remain posted in restricted staff areas for the duration of the banning period. After the banning period ends, these images are archived in the Administrative Offices for 5 years. Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library Policies

Questions or comments about the implementation of this policy may be directed to the Library Director. Adopted by the Board of Trustees April 13, 2010 Amended by the Board of Trustees January 12, 2016

Purpose: The purpose of the Unattended Child Policy is to ensure the safety of all children using the Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library.

Responsible Caregiver – Parent, guardian, care provider or chaperone (age 12 or older) who accompanies a child while on Library premises.
Unattended Child – A child below age 12 whose responsible caregiver is not accompanying them while in the Children’s Services area or elsewhere on Library premises.

Policy Statement: Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library welcomes children to use its facilities, resources and services. The Library as an institution does not have the legal “provision of care” responsibilities. Responsibility for the safety and security of children using the Library rests with the responsible caregiver as defined above. A child below age 12 must be accompanied by a responsible caregiver while on Library premises.

Implementation Guidelines:
A. The Library is a public space that is open to all. The Library is not the guarantor of the safety of the children who use its facilities.
B. Staff cannot honor requests to supervise a child under any circumstances.
C. Responsible caregivers must monitor all activities and behaviors of the children in their care in keeping with the Library Rules of Conduct.
D. If it is determined that a child is lost or left unattended, staff will bring the child to the librarian on duty at the Children’s Services desk. If Children’s staff is not available, members of the Adult Services staff will administer this policy.
E. Staff will use the public address system to page the responsible caregiver using their name if known. If no name is available, staff will share a description of the child’s physical appearance over the public address system. Staff will then inspect the premises with the child to attempt to locate the responsible caregiver.
F. If the responsible caregiver is not found on the premises, staff will attempt to make contact using the Library’s records or directory.
G. When the responsible caregiver is located, they will be given a copy of this policy.
H. If the responsible caregiver is not on the premises, staff will direct them to join or retrieve the child immediately. If the child cannot be picked up within 15 minutes, staff will call the Town of Haverstraw Police Department at (845) 354-1500 to take responsibility for the child.
I. If the responsible caregiver has not been located within 15 minutes, or if the Library is closing, staff will call the Town of Haverstraw Police Department at (845) 354-1500 to take responsibility for the child.
J. Under no circumstances will staff take the child out of the building or transport the child.
K. Staff cannot take legal responsibility for an unattended child in the case of a medical or building emergency.
L. Involved staff members will file an Incident Report and submit it to the Library Director.

Approved by the Board of Trustees, 2002; Amended September 8, 2015; Revised August 13, 2024

Purpose: This policy defines appropriate usage of public spaces within the Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library facilities. Primary use of Library space is reserved for Library-sponsored programs or Library-sanctioned programs including Literacy Solutions and North Rockland Central School District home instruction. This includes use of the Community Rooms, Tutor Rooms, Group Work Room and/or Quiet Study Room.

Policy Statement: The Board of Trustees will not provide access to public space for the conduct of private business by individuals or businesses. This may include, but is not limited to, privately-paid tutoring, presentations to prospective clients for paid services and/or solicitation of goods and services.

1. NRCSD and other students residing within the Library’s chartered service district may use the Tutor Rooms, Group Work Room and Quiet Study Room at no charge, as available.
2. A Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library card must be shown to gain access.

Adopted by the Board of Trustees November 11, 1997
Amended: November 8, 2006 by the Board of Trustees
Reviewed: October 13, 2009 by the Board of Trustees
Amended: May 11, 2010 by the Board of Trustees
Amended: August 9, 2016 by the Board of Trustees

Purpose: As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020, the Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library closed its facilities in order to be in compliance with and pursuant to Executive Order 202.8 of the Governor of the State of New York, dated March 20, 2020 as modified by Executive Order 202.13 dated March 29, 2020. HKDPL began offering virtual programming over the internet to connect with our community and to continue our mission of providing the community with educational, cultural, recreational, and entertainment resources.

Policy Statement: The Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library uses various third-party virtual platforms such as Zoom, GoToMeeting, YouTube, Facebook, and others to offer services around communication, collaboration and projects, etc. We may also display links to third-party services or content. By following the links, you may be providing some personally identifying information (including, but not limited to name, username, email address, and password) directly to a third party. You acknowledge and agree that HKDPL is not responsible for how those third parties collect or use your information. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of every third-party website or service that you visit or use, including those third parties with whom you interact through our Library services.

Adopted by the Board of Trustees July 14, 2020

Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library is committed to operating in furtherance of its taxexempt purposes and in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, including those concerning accounting and auditing, and prohibits fraudulent practices by any of its board members, officers, employees, or volunteers. This policy outlines a procedure for employees to report actions that an employee reasonably believes violates a law, or regulation or that constitutes fraudulent accounting or other practices. This policy applies to any matter which is related to Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library’s business and does not relate to private acts of an individual not connected to the business of Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library.

If an employee has a reasonable belief that either an employee or the Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library has engaged in any action that violates any applicable law, or regulation, including those concerning accounting and auditing, or constitutes a fraudulent practice, the employee is expected to immediately report such information to the Library Director. If the employee does not feel comfortable reporting the information to the Library Director, he or she is expected to report the information to the President of the Board of Trustees.

All reports will be followed up promptly, and an investigation conducted. In conducting its investigations, the Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library will strive to keep the identity of the complaining individual as confidential as possible, while conducting an adequate review and investigation.

Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library will not retaliate against an employee in the terms and conditions of employment because that employee: (a) reports to a supervisor, to the executive director, the Board of Directors or to a federal, state or local agency what the employee believes in good faith to be a violation of the law; or (b) participates in good faith in any resulting investigation or proceeding, or (c) exercises his or her rights under any state or federal law(s) or regulation(s) to pursue a claim or take legal action to protect the employee’s rights.

Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library may take disciplinary action (up to and including termination) against an employee who in management’s assessment has engaged in retaliatory conduct in violation of this policy.

In addition, the Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library will not, with the intent to retaliate, take any action harmful to any employee who has provided to law enforcement personnel or a court truthful information relating to the commission or possible commission by the Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library or any of its employees of a violation of any applicable law or regulation.

Supervisors will be trained on this policy and the Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library’s prohibition against retaliation in accordance with this policy.

Adopted by the Board of Trustees, August 12, 2014